Sunday, December 6, 2015

overloaded with pictures

My computer, iphone, ipad and cloud are overloaded with photos of student work from many years of teaching that I could not bring myself to delete!  Technology has changed faster than I can keep up albums, floppy discs, CDs, flash drives, external hard drives, Time machine, the Cloud....
I am going to have to let go! I plan to load pictures on this blog for the memories, to share with other teachers, and maybe even a few parents! Through this process of culling pictures, I will create a folder of favorites to be bound in a photobook, such as Shutterfly. Here goes.....!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Past Work

I set this blog up a few years ago and never pursued it! I want to save the work my students did over the past few years on this site, before I delete photos to free up space on my old mac.  I LOVE to look at other blogs and I want to incorporate more technology into my lesson plans to use with my students. I am the type person that reads, reads, reads to get ready.....and never feel adequately prepared! So, I am just going to dive right in and learn through the doing!